When is my rent due?
Rent is due on the first day of every month. Hillcrest is now processing rent payments through pre-authorized debit. Please have your bank information ready when setting up your rental account.
What do I do if I will be away on rent day?
If you pay by post dated cheque or automatic withdrawal, there is no action required. In any other circumstance, please ensure that you have made arrangements prior to your expected absence.
How do I sign up for automatic withdrawal?
You can visit the Hillcrest Housing office and we will help you to fill out the appropriate form. You must provide a void cheque or an account confirmation form provided by your financial institution. All automatic withdrawals are processed on the first day of every month.
How much is the security deposit?
The security deposit is equivalent to one months rent. This deposit is held until after you vacate the apartment.
I have a routine maintenance matter, who do I advise?
Contact the office at 902-436-9070 any weekday from 8am to 4:30pm, we will take your information and issue a work order and make arrangements with you to complete necessary repairs. All maintenance requests may also be reported to our monitored voicemail after hours. You may also report your maintenance request through our convenient "Service Request" form on our website, www.hillcresthousing.ca. Please leave a detailed message and we will take your information, return your call and make arrangements for necessary repairs as soon as possible.
I have a serious maintenance matter and it is a weekend or after office hours, what do I do?
If you have a maintenance emergency in the evening or on the weekend that requires immediate attention, please call our emergency phone line at 902-439-0247.
I have lost my keys, what do I do?
Contact the office and we will make arrangements to give you a replacement key or to have the lock re-keyed. It may be a good idea to leave a spare key with someone you trust.
I plan on moving, how much notice am I required to give?
Being in a month-to-month rental agreement, you will be required to give 30 days written notice from the day rent is due the month preceding the day you want to vacate your apartment. This means that you must give your notice no later than the1st day of the month in which you are planning to move. If you are unsure, please contact Hillcrest Housing Management.
I have given my notice, what do I do with my keys?
You must turn in your keys promptly on the date your notice to vacate is due. As long as you have possession of the keys, the apartment remains your responsibility and you are responsible for any rent accumulation.
I have removed all of my belongings from the apartment, what do I do now?
Once you have given your notice, Hillcrest Housing office will mail out a check list of responsibilities that you must complete prior to receiving your final inspection. You can phone the office when you are ready, at which time, the Maintenance supervisor will do a walkthrough visual inspection of your unit. He will inform you at this time if there are any further concerns to pass inspection in order to receive your security deposit.
How long does it take to get my security deposit returned?
Under normal circumstances, you should have your cheque within 10 days of turning in your keys.
What utilities are included in my rent?
Hillcrest Housing provides heat, water & sewar, grounds & apartment maintenance. As a tenant, you are responsible for your own electricity, phone, cable/satellite, and tenant insurance. You must have the electricity switched into your name prior to taking tenancy. This can be done by visiting City Hall at 122 Fitzroy Street.